Welcome to Memorial United Methodist Church
Connecting every child and their family to the love and hope of Jesus Christ!
Our worship service is live each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on the Memorial United Methodist Church Facebook page. Please join us!!
In January, Pastor Laurie and I will be hosting Bible Study on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Check back for more details on where the study will be and the book topic.
On Jan. 12, We will be looking at the goals and our progress meeting our goals for the 2024 year. We will be sharing our projected goals for the 2025 year.
Pastor Tina
Scripture for the Week
33 33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
after that time,” declares the Lord.
“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
(Jeremiah 31:33 NIV)
This Week at Memorial
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Our next Noisy Offering
will be January 26, 2025.
Thank you for visiting our website.
If you want to know more about our ministries and worship, join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM and see for yourself!