We believe that God's grace-- understood as unexpected, undeserved, unearned love-- is for all people,
regardless of who we are or who we might have been. This grace, revealed in Jesus Christ, opens our
eyes to our need for God's loving forgiveness, gives us the strength to accept that forgiveness, wipes
away all our sin, and empowers us for a life of faith marked by continued growth and learning. Yet, none
of that means we claim to be perfect. We know we will make mistakes along the way, but we believe
God is loving and forgiving and patient.
In particular, the people of Memorial United Methodist Church believe God calls us to active faith, and
for us, that means we are to work toward "connecting every child and their family to the love and hope
of Jesus Christ." This vision of who we are as people of faith compels us to engage in a variety of local
ministries, including cooperative ministry with the students. families, teachers, staff members and
administration of Fred L. Wilson Elementary School.
If you'd like to come and learn with us about God's life-changing grace, please join us for worship on
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.